The travel developer s mobile adventure supports the crossSplay with switch. Among the many announcements during Nintendos Indie World Showcase was Thatamecompany s himmel: Children of Light. Currently available for iOS and Android mobile devices, it was confirmed that the adventure title will be published this summer for switch. Take a look at the announcement trail below. The developer has confirmed that cross-play functions will be included for switch. So that s a plus. Sky: Children of light is the previous work of the studio, Journey, quite similar except that players explore seven different areas while interacting with each other. It is possible to meet and join together to go to treasure hunt or just to sit and share gifts. Sky: Children of light has seasonal events and adds more areas over time. For more information about the Switch version, see the coming months. Other titles, which were announced during the showcase, are Hello Games, The last campfire, published for Switc...