Lost Ark likes like a Diablo-Eskes Action Roleplay look, but behind the project of SmileGate is a washfast theme park MMORPG. And when do online role plays know mostly the most fun? Sure, if you can experience them together with his friends! It was and is not so easy in Lost Ark to gather all the buddies on a realm.
Warmishly separated
First there was the subdivision into early enrollment and official free2play launch. Only those who had bought one of the four pioneer packages, was already allowed to storm on the servers on 8 February 2022 . All other interested people had to wait until February 11, 2022. Then, however, so much was already going on to the first served servers that a) new Realms of Publisher Amazon Games were submitted and b) the strongest "old" servers for new players got a barrier **. Even now, on 14 February 2022, five servers are still marked "full". Speakers who have friends on these realms look into the tube. Or not?
Great Invention: Cross server
We actually have good news for you: Many of the endgame content of Lost Ark run via a group search system that works across the server. Say: Automated you are thrown here anywhere with all the players of your region in a pot. Alternatively, it is possible to manually create a group with your friends in the group search before logging in - even if they squat on another server of the region.
Lost ARK: All types of dungeons and raids can be mastered across the server. Source: park MMORPG The following PVE content functions across server:
- Chaosing
- Abyssis Dungeons / Raids
* Guardian raids
* Dice
* Boss-noise
* Later: Legion Raids
More details about these features can be found in our endgame overview of Lost Ark . While the PVP is concerned, you will also meet on the group search on players from other servers, but if you want to register here with a group, the players must come from your Realm.
What would you still have to do without?
In addition to PvP, unfortunately, you will not be able to tackle some other endgame content from Lost Ark across its friends. This basically belongs everything that takes place in the open world, such as events, the island content or quests. And of course you can not be part of a common guild. Also a pity: You can not invite players from other servers to your Housing Island. Remember: If the people of Amazon Games create a new region for Europe, then this is not the same region as the previous EU region!
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