E3 2020 becomes "new and newly revived" with insiders, celebrities and experience zones - video playbacks, instructions, exemplary procedures, reviews and cultu
Yes, we do not know it either.
The E3 was once the greatest fair of the game industry. In a way, it is still the way the eyes go there if the event happens every year. But with the changed times, the extent and importance of the event to waver. Sony skips the show the second year in a row and Nintendo has set live conferences years ago. Microsoft is the only platform holder who apparently has everything on the event. The company behind E3, the ESA, looking for ways to spice things with a new direction.
The ESA promises bold changes to the show from the explanation issued. The explanation seems that they aim to create an entertainment-oriented environment. More celebrities, guests, more access to "insiders", stage events and "adventure zones". This includes cooperation with the online retailer IAM8BIT, although it is unclear what role you will play in the overall structure of things.
It is not really clear what most of it means, especially the part of the experience zones (who heard honestly sounds terrex) or how it is accurately implemented. Whether it will be enough to revive the struck conference is unclear, but we will see how this thing looks like when it moves closer.
Tags: E3 2020, Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X
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