Join the Red Brick Indie Challengers on 27th, Hosted by Red Brick (CEO Yang Young-mo) and Co-Hosted by Korean D game Association (Chairman Choi Hoon)
The employment period is 2 weeks from February 27 to March 12, and the indie game advancement team and designer who desire to get involved can be accepted through the Red Brick website. You can get involved if you are an indie developer or team that wishes to generate content utilizing the Red Brick 3D software creative tool among Oriental people. Red Brick Indie Oppositions are among the assistance programs that Red Bricks have been held every year to cultivate high-quality meta bus developers. In order to increase the base of meth uses and foster creators, this time around, we intend to sustain growth activities with the goal of win-win and advancement with indie developers in cooperation with the Korean D game Organization. The Red Brick Indie Oppositions will be hung on the 27th, held by Red Brick (CEO Yang Young-mo) and also co-hosted by the Oriental D video game Association (Chairman Choir Hewn). Furthermore, the company will certainly put advertisements right into the comp...